
the secret of our fingers

saya hanya sekedar berbagi dari apa yang saya dapat di mata kuliah saya (public speaking)

mungkin sebagian dari anda masih kurang memiliki kepercayaan diri dalam mencapai apa yang anda inginkan.

ketika anda membaca note ini, anda bisa sambil mempraktikannya.
kepalkan lah tangan anda, kemudian bukalah secara perlahan

pada umumnya jari pertama yang membuka adalah IBU JARI. apakah anda tahu apa maknanya? itu menujukkan sebuah kebaikan,bukan. ketika anda membuka, ibu jari akan mengarah ketas menandakan "Diatas" sana ada yang Maha Tinggi, yaitu tuhan kita. Dia selalu memberika kita yang terbaik. maka dari itu berdoalah, minta padanya hal yang terbaik untuk anda.
kemudian, kita dapat melihat bahwa terdapat JARI TELUNJUK. kita tahu bahwa fungsinya adalah untuk menunjuk.maka anda harus berani menunjuk. TUNJUK KEINGINAN ANDA, TARGET HIDUP ANDA, dan TUJUAN HIDUP anda. pilihlah.karena setiap manusia diberi kesempatan untuk memilih.jangan takut untuk menunjuk,menentukan apa yang anda inginkan!
jangan berpikir bahwa tiga jari lainnya tidak memiliki arti.
JARI TENGAH, jari ini biasanya memiliki tinggi yang lebih dari jari-jari yang lain..itu menandakan bahwa sebenarnya kita mempunya kelebihan.Tuhan memberikan kita kelebihan dan kita harus menunjukkannya.jangan menganggap diri anda biasa. jadilah seseorang yang LUAR BIASA dimata oranglain.
JARI MANISbersikaplah manis terhadap orang-orang disekitarmu jika ingin diperlakukan dengan manis. berilah senyum manis anda kepada mereka.bukankah hal tersebut indah. :)
dan JARI KELINGKING. ingatkah anda sewaktu kecil kita diajarkan untuk mengaitkan kelingking kita dengan kelingking oranglain? kaitan itu memiliki arti persahabatan, kekerabatan. jangan pernah rusak persahabatan yang sudah anda buat. jaga hubungan kekerabatan tersebut sebaik mungkin. karena hal itu dapat membantu anda meraih KESUKSESAN! karena kesuksesan yang kita raih tidak lepas dari dukungan orang-orang disekitar kita. 



Tonight, I think that is the best place again for me to share what i'm feeling. Its's not because i don't want to share with my friend, but i think this is good place for me now.
my blogger, I just want to tell something that i never say to the person that i loved. Someone who really I adored.yes, HIM . 
I surely remember his words.he said I am smart to speak, not like him.I always have a reason to answer his question.But I hope before he will not hate me if oneday he read it. Dear you, you know, actually I am not a smart speaker.I don't know how to show my feeling. I just feeling soo in the blue .Everytime you angry with me, everytime you think negatively to me, everytime you think that i always thinking you are the trouble maker. you know boy, i am your admirer. I often say to my friend everything about you. you are the patient boy, you are the funny boy, you are the great boy.but why, you often think negative to me.no, i am not think that you are wrong or trouble maker. yes maybe you're right. i'm selfish.but as you know, everyone has selfishness.you ever said that i often angry when you are with your friend.your friend said that you're stupid because you want to accompany me to everywhere.i never want to do that dear. believe it or not, i have some  feeling that we will end since a week ago.everytime you say sorry i always choose to forgive.everytime you angry, i try hard to control my emotion.because i don't want to know you angry.i'd like to say big sorry that make you tired.i'm sorry to make you bored, and thanks for what you think about me. I swear i never want to do that. thank you for angry to me so I know How stupid am I. I failed to learn about you. I failed to be a good PR with you. and I failed to keep your love. Dear you, I know I already lost you as my boyfriend or maybe my best friend. But I promise, I never to forget you. I never hate you, and I will keep everything you gave to me. thankyou Teber. I'll be missing you. I should delete everything I plan with you since today. 


private become public

hello blogger,
may i share with you about my feeling guys?!
actually I don't like to share my privacy here.Yes because I know this is public place.everyone can read it.But tonight I think this is the best place to me tell about everything. hmmm, -,-

Guys, you know How important your best friends are! they like sun in the morning.make your day beautiful.Can you imagine if you don't have them?? absolutely it will be bored! There's nothing special in your life.I'll do anything for my best friends.I'm a human.absolutely I have mistake.So forgive me If you think I'm wrong.I never think to forget you.I always try to be kind person with you guys. :)

Blogger, Maybe a month later I'll have a new life, new friends,new experience, and surely new obligation.I should work hard to make my dream come true! But I don't know why I'm lil bit sad of this.hmm. why? one of the reason that I want tell here,because I'll be sooo far away with you Boy.is it the God's way? you come back in the middle of 2009, we were being best friend again, I choosed you to be my boyfriend finally in the end 0f 2009.But why?. Do we should a short time?.If you are the best for me,why God didn't give this way a long long agooo. If the time come to us, Should we seperated? Actually I know I can't survive if we're still in LDR.it's sooo hard for me.there's one question that i always don't want to ask with you.whatever happened with us in the next time, remember that I really love you.Thanks for everything you give to me.especially your heart. :) You're the first boy who give me true love.Thank you sooo much my good boy!
I'm sure God have planned.Now I just want to enjoy my time with you! Big Hug for T.

-----> Someone who really loves you will never really leave you <------



i feel soooo in the pink! ^_^ i think this year is my success year. you know what?! First, I'm graduated from senior high school.The time feel too short.i feel like yesterday is the first time i wore white-grey uniform.and NOW, i finished all my obigation in 71 senior ghigh school. yeah!!

when I still wore SHS uniform

when I am graduated!! :D
and I am being a student in University of Indonesia!
(big Congrats for me!) hehe

I got a YELLOW id card

and absolutely The Yellow Jacket

Big thanks to Allah who always give me easy way! Alhamdulillah.


Dream's Power

Hello buddies!
Oh my god, I had no fresh post for a loonggg time. haha
i'm very lazy to post here. :p
but today i just want to share with you readers about dream's power!

maybe for some people don't believe that dream will come true if we want it sooo much!
and the key of your dream are Words and Mind. yes, that's two important things we remember.
Why words? let me tell my story,

I had been finished my study at senior high school.I feel soo confused to choosed a new college for me at the first.until I fixed myself to choose UI for my next college.we know that it's not easy to be a student at UI.more than thousand people want it.if I remind before, I often said "I love yellow.yellow id,yellow bus,and yellow jacket".and I ever said "I don't want to wear yellow jacket from other people,i would mine and fit to my thin body". :)
do you understand what i mean???

Your words have power.And the power will be used by your mind.you're just focus for the one thing which really really really you want.actually in my mind, I just wanna show to my parents that I can do what their want.I just want to make my parents aproud of me! and the only one thing that my parents want is I am being a student of UI ! so i study hard for it.Fortunately, UI accepted me for study in Public Relation!

Sooooo guys! let make the one thing.just ONE! you can't imagine how wonderful the moment when your parents give smiling happiness to you. try now or never! ^_^


sometimes we can't understand what is love.when we feel in the pink, we say that love is something beautiful and no words can describe it.but when we feel in the blue, we said it is soo bad.so nerd.and it something worst.
whatever is love we know that everyone want to have it.

i've been understand lil' about love.then i know that we can't ask WHY question about love.there's no answer for it.Love is like mystery.no one knows that.nobody can guest it.
it will better if we just say to God
"thanks you give me a love" .


last picture

i'll always remember you my "L" in my mind as a beautiful memories.


singing it all night

the second you sleep - Saybia

You close your eyes
And leave me naked by your side
You close the door so I can’t see
The love you keep inside
The love you keep for me

It fills me up
It feels like living in a dream
It fills me up so I can’t see
The love you keep inside
The love you keep for me

I stay
To watch you fade away
I dream of you tonight
Tomorrow you’ll be gone
It gives me time to stay
To watch you fade away
I dream of you tonight
Tomorrow you’ll be gone
I wish by God you’d stay

I stay awake
I stay awake and watch you breathe
I stay awake and watch you fly
Away into the night
Escaping through a dream

I stay
To watch you fade away
I dream of you tonight
Tomorrow you’ll be gone
It gives me time to stay
To watch you fade away
I dream of you tonight
Tomorrow you’ll be gone
I wish by God you’d stay


This year is for you Mom and Dad

tahun ini bener-bener tahun perjuangan deh!

banyak bangettt keinginan yg mau gue capai.yaa salahsatunya pasti mau ngbahagiain orangtua.mungkin di awal kelas 12 yg ada dipikiran gue cuma masuk UI UI UI UI UI !.pastinya karena itu salahsatu universitas unggulan yg punya jaket almameter kereennnn!! hahaa.bukan gitu sih. karena itu kan universitas baguss tuh.setiap orang tua pasti pengen banget anaknya kuliah disana.
oke, bukan berarti gue sekarang gue ngga berminat masuk UI.CUMA... gue mikir lagi.hampir semua orang mau masuk ui.saingan gue otomatis banyaakkk banget.gue ngga mungkin cuma berpatokan ui aja.terus mikir kalo gagal d ui, gue daftar swasta.awalnya sih gue berpikir gitu, tapi ngga buat sekarang.yang ada dipikiran gue sekarang, gimana pun caranya, tahun ini gue harus bener-bener berusaha masuk ui.tapi kalau pada akhirnya ngga seperti yang gue harapkan, yaa gue harus tetep berusaha kerasss.seenggaknya, gue masuk universitas negeri unggulan yang lain. Biaya kuliah ngga murah.gue mau meringankan beban orangtua gue aja.ngga ada yang tau kita kedepannya gimana. :)

yang penting sekarang, I MUST STUDY HARD! gue mesti belajar sungguh-sungguh.gue masih berkeyakinan kalo kita punya impian, terus kita bayangin terus impian kita, kita kerja keras, dan kita berdoa, insyaallah pasti kita bisa dapetin impian kita.



do you have bestfriend?
there are many opinions about bestfriend.But In my opinion, bestfriend is a person who know you, care with you, and someone who always beside you when you are in happiness or sadness.Surely you love your bestfriend.what I want to ask here is : Do you ever lost your bestfriend?
I know everyone doesn't want it.But everything is possible.You can lost your beloved person suddenly. hhmm.
Dear you my X-Bestfriend ( R ), you are one of the important person in my life.you are as important as my family.I do not know why you do this to me.I don't know my false.and I don't know what are you think about.Now you had gone from my life. you choose your best way, then you said to me that we have different life.I'm very very dissapointed with you, when you said " Time by time I know that I'm not proper to be your bestfriend!" .Sh*t. Thank you for everything you gave to me. You are my bestfriend forever ever and ever, but maybe the words is for the past.wish you always happy with your life.